
Registration Closed
Please Read all Instructions Before Registration Below
Floater Studio announces its Group Art Exhibition 2023 "OPEN CANVAS”: A Group Revelation" and invites entries for participation Art Students or Freelance Artists. The exhibition will cover the mediums of Painting, Sculpture, Graphics (Printmaking), Mix-Media, Photography or Drawing. This exhibition will be organized in Dr. Stya Paul Art Gallery, Virsa Vihar, Jalandhar.
Floater Studio is a distinguished organization within the realm of the arts, committed to fostering talent and creativity. Our mission revolves around providing a platform for emerging artists in India, with a particular focus on supporting fine art students and self-taught freelance artists as they embark on their professional journeys in the field of fine art. Our primary objective is to introduce the creations of fine artists into the dynamic Indian art market and facilitate the sale of their artwork.
- Art students, freelance artists Art teachers and art lovers can participate in the exhibition.
- Participants are required to be of legal adult age, which is 18 years or older.
- The replication or copying of artwork is strictly prohibited, and any such submissions will be disqualified from the selection process.
- To ensure your artwork is considered, it is imperative that you provide a title, employ proper framing, and ensure good finishing.
Deadlines for Registrations: 6 Oct to 20 October 2023
Entry Fees
To take part in this art exhibition, there will be a fee of Rs 500 for each artwork for fine arts students and Rs 700 for freelance artists. Note: Submission of a valid student ID card is a mandatory requirement for students. Fees will be applicable after the selection process. For further information, please refer to the “important instructions” provided below.
- Each candidate may apply with a maximum of two artworks.
- Artists have the option to submit two entries in different categories. Each entry should be treated as a separate submission, and a separate fee must be paid for each entry.
Link: Registration or Apply For Participations
Maximum size for painting/drawing/graphics (print-making)/photographs/mix media Is: 36 x 36 inches, for Sculpture: 24 x 24 x 24 Inches. The sizes mentioned Include mounting and framing.
Important Instructions: Terms and conditions
An artist can exhibit one or two of his works. The artwork selection process will be carried out by our panel of jury members. Participation fees will be collected from the candidates who are selected following the evaluation process. Transaction details for the fee payment will be communicated to the selected candidates via email or Whatsapp." Once the selected candidate receives the email, the time for fee transaction will be within 24 hours. If transaction is not done after 24 hours, the candidate will be disqualified. "After completing the transaction, please send us the fee receipt or a screenshot via email or Whatsapp number 8437133055 to confirm the payment."
After the selection process, if an artist's work is chosen for the exhibition but they decline to participate at time, they will be disqualified from future participation indefinitely.
The entry shall be approved after verifying the information in the form. Floater Studio has the sole right to confirm/reject the entries.
It will be the candidate's own responsibility to transport the art work. The address for sending the Art works will be sent to the selected candidate through email and Whatsapp.
Artists are responsible for covering the transportation costs associated with their artwork.
The primary aim of this exhibition is to facilitate the sale of the artists' works/Promote the art Students’, and if an artist's artwork is sold during the exhibition, Floater Studio will not charge the artist any commission.
How to Apply:
- Prospective participants can submit their applications online by accessing the following Link
- In the event that online application is not feasible, you may submit a minimum of one high-quality image of your artwork, along with your artist statement and CV or resume, Artist Profile Photograph via email to
- Kindly ensure that your CV/ Resume and artist statement are provided in PDF format, while the images of your artwork and your Profile Photo are submitted in high-quality (300 resolutions to 600 resolutions) JPEG format.
Sales and Catalogue
Participation certificates and catalogs will be provided to artists. The primary aim of this exhibition is to facilitate the sale of the artists' works/Promote the art Students’, and if an artist's artwork is sold during the exhibition, Floater Studio will not charge the artist any commission.
Email or Whatsapp at 8437133055 with additional questions, comments, and inquiries about the Participations.
Organized by:
Mr. Ravinder Singh, Mr. Suraj Kumar, Mr. Amitoj Singh, Mr. Narind Walia
Ms. Apoorva Sharma, Ms. Gauri Sharma
Call & Whatsapp: 8437133055 (9:00 AM TO 7 PM)